Life at the end of the Brexit tunnel

The new Life Sciences Industrial Strategy could be a lifeline for the NHS

A man walks into a surgery: The role of storytelling in pharma marketing

Communicating through stories can make your brand messages more meaningful, memorable and persuasive

Could tech save the NHS?

The recent cyber attack on the NHS showed the danger of not investing in technology. But the right kind of technology could save it.

The Elixir of Life?

Are we on the verge of immortality? Probably not, but here's to dreaming...

Bog-roll origami: adding value in an undifferentiated market

When you are competing with similar products, you need to find a point of difference that is valued by your customers

Pepsi is Not The Real Thing

Why do advertisers get it so wrong when they are trying to be authentic?

Drive Forward positive change

Our copywriter at Life has partnered up with Drive Forward, a charity working with young people coming out of care, to run a mindfulness-based stress reduction course and encourage positive change for good.

A Euro Vision of Health

How does the NHS compare to other European healthcare systems? And how can we make it better?

Two Thousand and Vegan-Teen?

Could you live without as much meat or fish in your diet? Our New Year's blog discusses why that might be the best resolution you could make this year.

A New Year Wish

2016 has been an annus horribilis for many people. Where did it all go wrong? And how do we start to put things right?

Under the radar

What does it take to create a powerful global brand?

Musings of a Christmas Ad-dict

We take a look at the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of this year's lineup of Christmas ads.

Dr Babylon will see you now

The average GP appointment lasts just 10 minutes - but for time-poor patients a 'quick and dirty' consultation may be precisely what they want.

A new world view

Globalisation has been with us for centuries, but the balance of power is shifting

War on Drugs

New evidence suggests that Hitler was a junkie and many of his troops were on speed

Can America Trump ObamaCare?

With the ever so slightly terrifying US presidential elections looming, many Americans will be trying to weigh up their chances of having decent and affordable healthcare under either candidate.